Saturday, September 1, 2018

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Thoughts

How I perceive the comments of others 

After reading two articles over the idea of "feedback" it kind of puts into perspective how I have learned to take feedback throughout my years in college. The two articles I read were Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work, as well as How to Mentor a Perfectionist. Both articles hit right at home to me because I try so hard to be the book definition of "perfect" sometimes. My goal seems to always want to impress everyone, regardless if I'm proud of what I did or inspired by what I did or anything of the sort. They both touch on learning to trust yourself and your gut when it comes to your creativity and that your work can be successful regardless of someone reaping over it or it not passing the "perfect" definition. I want to look at what is being critiqued and take it as help to go in the right direction so that I'm still on a successful path, not the "only" path.
Image: Inner Critic from Flickr

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