Saturday, September 22, 2018

Reading Notes: The Voyages of Sinbad Part A

Reading Notes

The Voyages of Sinbad Part A

For the reading this week, I thought it would be fun to get into the tellings of Sinbad, the heroic merchant that speaks of tales that most wouldn't believe. I was really excited to delve into this read because a hero tale is like a chocolate chip cookie; a classic heart-warmer. Right off the bat, I noticed that something this story has that others don't, the excessive use of commas. There I said it. I'm not sure if this is done to put more emphasis on the fact that he's recounting an epic feat that he endured. Maybe it's to help express the emotion behind his storytelling method so he can keep the listener hanging on each word? Or because it's so wonderous that he'll just talk on and on without stop making sure the listener has been given all the detail just as he took it in first hand? I'm honestly not too sure. It was hard to process and read through in the beginning for me because I felt like even reading in my head, I needed a break. As I got more into the story flow, it wasn't as noticeable to me if we're being honest. I can't say that it helps build the vibe of this being a re-telling; however, I can say that as the story goes on you can visualize both what's going on and Sinbad actually telling it to you. His personality is greatly shown in his storytelling style, and you also get a sense of familiarity between each voyage. It's fun to almost predict how he may handle a situation or react to a newfound problem. Thus far in these class readings, I'd say this has been the most exciting read I've gotten into!

Image: Sinbad the Sailor (Wikipedia)
Bibliography: The Arabian Nights' Entertainment by Andrew Lang (Un-Textbook)

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